Having sufficient funding to pay for university fees, books, living expenses and research is an important concern for graduate students. In Geography at UCLA there are several avenues for acquiring such financial support, all of which are highly competitive. In order to be considered for any department funding, new applicants must submit completed applications by the appropriate deadline.
For detailed information about various financial support options for entering graduate students, please visit the Graduate Division Financial Support page.
The department has a limited amount of funds to offer incoming students. To be considered for any funding, a complete admission application packet must be received by the December 15 deadline. Departmental fellowship packages may include (but are not limited to) registration fee grants, non-resident tuition (if applicable), stipends, and/or TA or GSR positions.
Teaching Assistant support pays a salary that is generally sufficient to cover living costs. Each position requires 20 hours of classroom and preparation time each week that school is in session. In addition, Teaching Assistants receive a fee remission which covers the majority of the registration and educational graduate student fees as well as health benefits. UCLA allows graduate students a total of 12 Quarters (4 years) of TA support.
Faculty members who have external research funding may hire graduate students as a Graduate Student Researcher (GSR) to assist with research. Students will typically work 20 hours per week when school is in session. GSRs who work 20 hours per week (50% time appointment) receive the same fee remission and benefits as Teaching Assistants. Students should discuss the potential of Research Assistantships directly with the faculty member that they have identified as their likely advisor here at UCLA.
Students may find TA or GSR positions outside of the Geography department.
Students are strongly encouraged to seek out and apply for extramural funds. Some examples of extramural fund agencies may include but are not limited to the National Science Foundation, the National Institute of Health, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, National Endowment for the Humanities, Department of Defense, and private foundations such as the Ford Foundation and the Hewlett Foundation.