Frequently Asked Questions


How can I schedule an advising appointment?

For information about the majors and/or minors offered in Geography or for other general inquiries, send email to undergraduate@geog.ucla.edu. You will receive a response in 1-2 days.

Undergraduate student advising sessions with the Student Affairs Officer may be booked at https://geogsao.youcanbook.me or during posted drop-in hours in 1255 Bunche Hall.



I am an entering UCLA student, where should I go for guidance on selecting courses for my first quarter?

INCOMING UNDERGRAD UCLA STUDENTS: Please visit https://newstudents.ucla.edu/ to connect with NSA advisors.



How can I learn more about a Geography major or minor?

The Geography department offers two majors and three minors. For information about a major or minor, please visit: https://geog.ucla.edu/academics/undergraduate/majors-and-minors/



How do I declare or drop a Geography major or minor?

It’s REALLY easy to either declare or drop a Geography major or minor! To declare or drop a Geography major/minor visit the Geography department’s website https://geog.ucla.edu/academics/undergraduate/majors-and-minors/ to download and complete the Petition to Declare. Thereafter, forward the petition to undergraduate@geog.ucla.edu for processing.

Please note: it may take a few weeks to process your petition.



What alternate course satisfies the majors’ STATS 12 requirement?

The prep for the GEOG or GEOG/ES major statistics requirement may be completed by any one of the following UCLA courses. Most courses other than a STATS 12 course, must be manually applied by the department:

Courses manually approved are:

STATS 10, 12, 13 / ECON 41 / LIFESCI 40 / POLI SCI 6 / PUB AFF 60



Where can I find information on studying abroad?

The Department of Geography encourages students to study abroad while at UCLA. Students can often have the study abroad courses count towards their majors and minors. For more information, visit: https://geog.ucla.edu/academics/undergraduate/study-abroad/



How do I submit a Course Substitution Petition?

To petition a course substitution visit the Geography department’s website https://geog.ucla.edu/academics/undergraduate/majors-and-minors/ and download the Course Substitution Petition form. Follow the instructions and submit the complete petition and supporting documents to jenee@geog.ucla.edu for processing. Petitions are typically reviewed by the Faculty during/around Weeks 5 and 9.



How do I create a contract course (e.g. GEOG 195 or GEOG 199)?

Major and minor upper division requirements (up to 4.0 units) may be satisfied by an approved contract course designed by the student and mentored by a Geography faculty member in a quarter. Students must have the consent of their faculty mentor prior to creating the contract. After the student composes the contract, they must receive the signature of their mentor on the form. IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO HAVE THE CHAIR’S SIGNATURE ON THE FORM. Send the mentor-signed form to jenee@geog.ucla.edu. Visit the bottom of this webpage for more detailed instructions: https://geog.ucla.edu/academics/undergraduate/majors-and-minors/



What are Departmental Honors and where can I find information?

The Geography Honors Program is designed for highly motivated Geography and Geography/Environmental major students who are interested in completing a two-quarter research project (contract courses GEOG 198A and 198B) with a final thesis paper under the supervision of one or two Faculty Advisors. Students typically participate in the Geography Honors Program during their senior year. Departmental Honors are bestowed upon graduation to participating students who have achieved at least a 3.5 GPA in the major and at least a 3.0 overall GPA. For further information, please review the guidelines: https://geog.ucla.edu/academics/undergraduate/departmental-honors/



How do I learn more about the MAGIST program? 

If you are interested in the Master of Applied Geospatial Information Systems and Technologies (MAGIST) degree program, please visit: https://magist.gis.ucla.edu/