ESRI UC Map Gallery Winners
Graduate student Scott Stephenson's map, New Trans-Arctic shipping routes navigable by midcentury, wins Best Analytic Presentation at the ESRI International User Conference Map Gallery.
Credit to Scott Stephenson, Professor Laurence Smith, and Matt Zebrowski.
Research Awards for Studying Indonesia Borneo
Graduate student Jenny Elaine Goldstein receives multiple awards for research on degraded tropical peat forest in Indonesian Borneo.
A Scramble for the Amazon
Professor Susanna Hecht's new book, A Scramble for the Amazon, release party on Tuesday 4 June.
Assessment of Climate Change in the Southwestern United States
Professor and IoES Director Glen MacDonald contributes to Assessment of Climate Change in the Southwest United States.
Geography in LA Times
Professor and IoES Director Glen MacDonald in the LA Times, Geography is covering new ground for travelers.
Awards from AAG Population Speciality Group
The Population Specialty Group of the AAG awarded Professor Emeritus Bill Clark a Lifetime Achievement Award for contributions to Population Geography in terms of teaching, research, and service.
Graduate students Chuncui Velma Fan and Dylan Connor placed first and second, respectively, in the Population Geography Student Paper Competition of the AAG. (Fan: Wage Inequality among Immigrant Workers in the U.S. Metropolitan Areas: Spatial-temporal Patterns and Implication for Rising Overall Wage Inequality. Connor: Child Mortality and Urban Space: A multilevel analysis of 21,563 mothers in Dublin City, 1911)
New Trans-Arctic shipping routes navigable by midcentury
Research by graduate student Scott Stephenson and Professor Larry Smith suggests that Trans-Arctic shipping routes may significantly expand in feasibility by mid-century.
Reference: PNAS
Additional media coverage: Reuters | USA Today | LA Times | Washington Post | NPR
Jida Wang receives Distinguished Teaching Award for TA’s
Jida Wang has been selected by the UCLA Academic Senate Committee on Teaching to receive the Distinguished Teaching Award for Teaching Assistants. To receive only one of five awards is a great honor and a testimony to his achievements as a TA, as well as students’ and colleagues’ appreciation.
A World in Emergence by Professor Allen J. Scott
A World In Emergence: Cities and Regions in the 21st Century – by Allen J Scott released.
Professor Cindy Fan receives Distinguished Teaching Award
Professor Cindy Fan receives the UCLA Distinguished Teaching Award.