The World Until Yesterday in UCLA Today

The World Until Yesterday in UCLA Today

Professor Jared Diamond's forthcoming book, The World Until Yesterday, featured in UCLA Today and UCLA Magazine.

Tracking record Arctic ice melt

Tracking record Arctic ice melt

Professor and Vice Chair Larry Smith tracks record Arctic ice melt in Greenland.

Professor Carney in NY Times

Professor Carey in NY Times

Professor Judith Carney on African plants raised in gardens in New York in the New York Times.

Professor MacDonald op/ed in LA Times

Professor MacDonald op/ed in LA Times

Professor and Director of IoES Glen MacDonald op/ed on climate change in the Los Angeles Times: Climate-change denial getting harder to defend.

Oppenheim Lecture: Pole to Pole: A Global Warning

Oppenheim Lecture: Pole to Pole: A Global Warning

Related event, hosted by UCLA Institute of the Environment and Sustainability (IoES):

An Oppenheim Lecture featuring Sebastian Copeland, award-winning photographer, explorer, and environmental advocate

Wednesday, October 24, 2012
6:00 PM - 8:30 PM
UCLA Fowler Museum, Lenart Auditorium 
Los Angeles, CA 90095

Reservations are required. Further information available at UCLA IoES.

Baldwin Lake gets the Paleo treatment

Baldwin Lake gets the Paleo treatment
Baldwin Lake gets the paleo treatment by Professor Glen MacDonald

Professor and Director of IoES Glen MacDonald's Baldwin Lake researchfeature.

New site up

New site up
Testing for the new Geography site

Testing for the new Geography site news items. Hopefully this works!