The student-run Geography Association, sponsored by UCLA Geography and UCLA IoES, screens One Day Everything Will Be Free. “One Day, Everything Will Be Free” is a feature-length documentary about an ecological restoration project run by a utopian community located in one of the world’s most politically complicated and environmentally degraded terrains—in an area referred to locally as “the wasteland.”The film explores the challenges, motivations, and broader implications of Sadhana Forest Haiti, an unlikely reforestation community organized around an alternative, cashless economy in an area of Haiti devastated by soil erosion and social immobility.”One Day, Everything Will Be Free” looks critically and dynamically at models which offer significant and vibrant approaches toward addressing pressing environmental and social concerns such as climate change, environmental degradation, and ineffective or dependency-inducing international aid.Key topics include ecological restoration, climate change, sustainability, permaculture, biomimicry, reforestation, international aid, free economy, alternative economies, community living, ecovillages, utopia, autonomy, freedom, appropriate technology, Haiti.This event is FREE, and open to the public.MORE INFOQuestions, comments? Please contact David Redwood (, Alyssa Curran ( and Joanna Wheaton ( information about this event…

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