Hydrologic Change in the Conterminous United StatesJennifer BakaDepartment of Geography, College of Earth and Mineral SciencesPenn State University- Dr. Lettenmaier will speak today instead of Dr. Baka -
The Territorial Logic of the Islamic State: Space, Society, and Statehood in the Post-Modern CaliphateBurak KadercanDepartment of Strategy & PolicyNaval War College, Newport, RI
Green Antarctica? Recent plant growth conditions in the Antarctic Peninsula in context of the last 2000 yearsDavid BeilmanDepartment of GeographyUniversity of Hawaii, Mānoa
Return of the Repressed: Native Presence and American Memory in John Muir’s "Boyhood and Youth"Paul RobbinsDirector, Nelson Institute for Environmental StudiesUniversity of Wisconsin - Madison
Quaternary climate oscillations and the generation of biodiversityKeith Bennett, School of Geography and Sustainable DevelopmentUniversity of St. Andrews
Welcome to the Pornosphere: A Socio-Sexual Analysis of the AVN Adult Entertainment Expo, Las VegasPaul Maginn, School of Architecture and EnvironmentUniversity of Western Australia
Using Functional Traits to Predict Species Coexistence in Plant Communities across Spatial and Temporal ScalesNathan KraftDepartment of Ecology and Evolutionary BiologyUCLA