One Day Everything Will Be Free
The student-run Geography Association, sponsored by UCLA Geography and UCLA IoES, screens One Day Everything Will Be Free. "One Day, Everything Will Be Free" is a feature-length documentary about an ecological restoration project run by a utopian community located in one of the world’s most politically complicated and environmentally degraded terrains—in an area referred to locally as "the […]
Alexander von Humboldt Lecture: The Contradictions of Capital
The conventional Marxist argument about capitalism has been that it will break up under the force of its own contractions. But just what are the 21st century versions of this argument? David Harvey identifies 17 contradictions and clarifies their relationship with post-2007 instability.
Oppenheim Lecture: Pole to Pole: A Global Warning
Related event, hosted by UCLA Institute of the Environment and Sustainability (IoES):An Oppenheim Lecture featuring Sebastian Copeland, award-winning photographer, explorer, and environmental advocate Wednesday, October 24, 20126:00 PM - 8:30 PMUCLA Fowler Museum, Lenart Auditorium Los Angeles, CA 90095 Reservations are required. Further information available at UCLA IoES.
National Geographic/UCLA Young Explorers Workshops
Each year the Young Explorer Grant Program hosts workshops for future Young Explorers. These workshops introduce National Geographic Young Explorer grantees—as well as National Geographic explorers, conservationists, and researchers—to students interested in pursuing grants from National Geographic to support their research or project.Workshop ActivitiesWelcome Reception: Check-in and light breakfastMorning Session: Introduction to National Geographic and […]
National Geographic An Evening of Field Research and Exploration
Hosted by Dr. John Francis, vice president of research, conservation, and exploration at National Geographic, this event features Kenny Broad, an ecological anthropologist and National Geographic 2011 Explorer of the Year, and Conrad Anker, a renowned alpinist, conservationist, and The North Face athlete.Photograph by Mark ThiessenKenny Broad recounts his expedition to one of the most challenging […]
The Tod Spieker Colloquium Series: John O’Loughlin, University of Colorado, Boulder
John O'Loughlin, University of Colorado, Boulder
The Tod Spieker Colloquium Series: Kim England, University of Washington
Kim England, University of Washington
The Tod Spieker Colloquium Series: Jeffery Herrick, New Mexico State
Jeffery Herrick, New Mexico State