Researchers and Visitors
Visiting Researchers:
Samira Peruchi Moretto

Ph.D. in History from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (2014), with a research period at California State University, Long Beach (2013). She is a tenured professor at the Graduate Program in History at the Federal University of Fronteira Sul and Federal University of Santa Catarina. Dr. Moretto’s work is supported by the Research Productivity Fellowship from the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq, Brazil). She is a member of the Board of Directors of the Latin American Environmental History Society (SOLCHA). Recently, she was awarded with research fellowships from the John Carter Brown Library at Brown University (2022) and the Huntington Library (2023).
Currently project: “Monoculture versus conservation: The dispersion of plant species to Brazil in the 20th century and the role of US institutions”
Field of research: Environmental History; Domestication and Introduction of plant species in the Atlantic Forest zone; Deforestation, (Re)forestation, Landscape Transformations; Biodiversity Conservation; and Brazilian History.
Yukio Maeda
Ph.D. 2010, International Relations, International Christian University (ICU); MPA. 1999, Public Administration, International Christian University (ICU); B.A. 1997, Soka University of Japan (SUJ)
Field of research: I am a Visiting Fellow working with Professor John Agnew. My current research aims to rebuild a political theory and peace studies from the viewpoint of planet politics. I have also engaged in reviving satoyama activities in Hachioji, Tokyo. I have also been a chairperson of the “Climate Change and Peace in the 21st Century” Project Committee, Peace Studies Association of Japan (PSAJ). Please see my “research map” in detail.
Postdoctoral Scholars:
Hara Nayak
Ph.D. is from Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India.
Field of research: Climate modeling; Atmosphere-Land Interaction; Extreme Events (Drought, Heat waves…); Climate variability and Change.
Staff Research Associate:
Bo Zhou
Ph.D. 2013, Forestry, University of Missouri Columbia; M.A. 2007, Geography, University of Missouri Columbia
Field of research: I am currently working on a NASA funded project that involves the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to develop a web-based tool that fuses existing Assessment, Inventory and Monitoring (AIM) data with NASA Earth-observing satellite data to produce spatial and temporal extrapolations of AIM variables.