Shreya Trivedi

Shreya Trivedi

Graduate Student



My current research involves the use of climate model outputs to analyze southern hemispheric circulations, climate indices, and sea-ice distributions. Specifically, I am directing my focus towards assessing the variability of southern hemispheric large-scale atmospheric circulations and their influence on sea-ice distributions, with particular attention to sea-ice thickness. Despite its significance in understanding polar climate and ecosystem, sea-ice thickness remains the least studied sea-ice parameter. By studying it in the model world, we can expand our knowledge on sea-ice changes in both the present and future, while gaining a better insight into the complex thermodynamics and dynamics that shape this parameter. Additionally, establishing a relationship between sea-ice thickness and climate variabilities can aid in comprehending climate extremes and their impact on overall sea-ice changes in the polar regions.


  1. Ph.D. in Geography, Fall 2019-Winter 2025 (Expected) [CGPA- 3.793/4]
  2. Ph.D. in Geography, ABD, June, 2021
  3. M.Sc. (Environment Studies and Resource Management), The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) University, Gold medalist, 2013-2015 (CGPA-8.35/10)
  4. B.A. (Hons.) Geography, summa cum laude, Kirori Mal College (KMC), University of Delhi, 2010-2013


Polar climate and climatology

Climate Models

Machine Learning

Sea-ice distributions

Southern Ocean

Grants & Awards

  1. National Eligibility Test (NET) in Geography for Assistant Lectureship in India. (University Grants Commission, Government of India) 2017.
  2. Junior research Fellowship (JRF) in Geography, (University Grants Commission, Government of India) 2017; Granted to top 1% percentile scores in the NET.
  3. Graduate Summer Research Mentorship Programme (GSRM), $6000, Summer 2021.
  4. Guru Gobind Singh Fellowship, $30,000, Academic Year 2022-2023 (First UCLA recipient in 20 years).
  5. Dissertation Year Award, $20,000, Academic Year 2024-2025
  6. Summer Mentored Research Fellowship. $6000, Summer 2024


Courses & Presentations


Teaching Fellow, GEOG 116: Boundary Layer Climatology (Jason Ward)

Winter 2024

Teaching Fellow, GEOG M142: (When) Do Leaders Make Differences? (Jared Diamond)

Winter 2024

Teaching Associate, GEOG 117: Tropical Climatology (Jason Ward)

Fall 2023

Teaching Associate, GEOG 133: Humid Tropics (Tom Gillespie)

Spring 2022

Teaching Associate, GEOG M131: Human Impact on Biophysical Environment (Y. Xue)

Winter 2022

Teaching Assistant, GEOG 5: People and Earth’s Ecosystems (Tom Gillespie)

W&S 2021

Teaching Assistant, GEOG 117: Tropical Climatology (Jason Ward)

Fall 2020



  1. Trivedi, S., Goyal, R., Raphael, M.N., “Extremes in Southern Hemispheric Zonal Wave-3 and their Impact on Antarctic Sea-ice Thickness”, AAG Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, April 2024
  2. Trivedi, S., Goyal, R., Raphael, M.N., “Extremes in Southern Hemispheric Zonal Wave-3 and their Impact on Antarctic Sea-ice Thickness”, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, December 2023
  3. Trivedi, S., Hobbs W., Raphael, M.N., “An assessment of Antarctic Sea-ice Thickness in CMIP6 simulations with comparison to the Observations”, Polar Marine Science, Gordon Research Conference, Ventura, California, 2023
  4. Trivedi, S., Sievers, I., Semmler T., Athanase, M., “Comparing Arctic Sea-ice and Snow Thickness in MOSAiC data with CMIP6 simulations”, 2nd MOSAiC Science Conference, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, 2023
  5. Trivedi, S., Raphael, M.N., “An assessment of Antarctic Sea-ice Thickness in CMIP6 simulations with comparison to the Observations”, AntClimNow workshop on Connecting Models and Observations of the Antarctic Climate System Across Timescales, British Antarctic Survey, 2022 and SCAR Open Conference (Virtual), India, 2022.
  6. Trivedi S., Perez F., Raphael M.N., “An Analysis of Sea Ice Thickness (SIT) during the Anomalous Antarctic Sea-Ice Retreat of 2016”, American Association of Geographers (AAG), 2022 Research Articles
  7. Trivedi S., Raphael M.N., “Assessing spatial and temporal relationships between the large-scale zonally asymmetric atmosphere, Zonal Wave 3, and the Sea ice thickness distributions in the Southern Ocean”, American Geophysical Union (AGU), 2021
  8. Trivedi S., Raphael M.N., “Assessing spatial and temporal relationships between the large-scale zonally asymmetric atmosphere, Zonal Wave 3, and the Sea ice thickness distributions in the Southern Ocean”, Graduate Climate Conference, 2021
  9. Kaagita V., Toniazzo T., Bhardwaj S., Trivedi S., “Suitability of Monsoon Index: A Comparative study approach”, National Symposium on understanding Weather and Climate variability, Indian Meteorological Society, 2019
  10. Trivedi S., Machineni N., Venkatramana K., Toniazzo T., Bhardwaj S. “Monsoon Active/Break Analysis over Indian Region: An assessment using CMIP5 models”, National Symposium on understanding Weather and Climate variability, Indian Meteorological Society, 2018
  11. Trivedi S., “Storm Havoc: Better to worry now than regret later”, TerraGreen, 2018.


Dr. Marilyn Raphael (Advisor)

Dissertation Committee Members: 
  1. Dr. Gang Chen
  2. Dr. Michael Shin
  3. Dr. Yongkang Xue