Stephen Bell
(Ph.D., Toronto, 1991) is an Associate Professor with research interests in historical and cultural geography, Latin America, and the history of geographic thought. Professor Bell teaches courses on Latin America and various branches of historical geography.
Ph.D University of Toronto, 1991. M.A. University of Toronto, 1980. B.A. The Queen’s College, Oxford University, Honours Degree from the School of Geography, 1978.
Selected Publications
- Campanha Gaúcha: A Brazilian Ranching System, 1850-1920 (Stanford, CA.: Stanford University Press, 1998)
- “Aimé Bonpland and Merinomania in Southern South America,” The Americas 51, 3 (1995): 301-23
- “Early Industrialization in the South Atlantic: Political Influences on the Charqueadas of Rio Grande do Sul Before 1860,” Journal of Historical Geography 19, 4 (1993): 399-411
Grants & Awards
The Warren Dean Memorial Prize of the Conference on Latin American History (1999), awarded for Campanha Gaúcha
Social Sciences and Humanities of Canada Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (1995-97), held at McGill University