Zhaoxin Ban
Currently working towards a PhD in Department of Geography
UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, Fall 2017-present
M.A., Geography, UCLA, 2019
B.S., Geographical Sciences, 2017
Nanjing University
Hydrological modeling and associated water resource forecast/management, streamflow responses to climate change across different spatial-temporal scales, evapotranspiration, snowpack interaction with streamflow.
Selected Publications
Ban, Z. and D. P. Lettenmaier,2022: Asymmetry of Western U.S. river basin sensitivity to seasonally varying climate warming, Water Resources Research, DOI: e2021WR030367.
Huang, H., M. Fischella, Y. Liu, Z. Ban, J. Fayne, D. Li, K. Cavanaugh, and D.P.Lettenmaier, 2022: Changes in mechanisms and characteristics of Western U.S. floods over the last sixty years. Geophysical Research Letters, 49, DOI: 10.1029/2021GL097022.
Alam, S., Gebremichael, M., Ban, Z., Scanlon, B. R., Senay, G., and D.P. Lettenmaier, 2021: Post-drought Groundwater Storage Recovery in California’s Central Valley, Water Resources Research, 57(10), DOI: e2021WR030352
Ban, Z., Das, T., Cayan, D. R., Xiao, M., Lettenmaier, D. P., 2020: Understanding the asymmetry of annual streamflow responses to seasonal warming in the Western U.S., Water Resources Research, 56(12), DOI:10.1029/2020WR027158.
Grants & Awards
Best Student Paper Award, UCLA Department of Geography, 06/21
Graduate Student Fellowship, UCLA, 09/17
Outstanding Graduates at Nanjing University (NJU), 07/17
Baosteel Scholarship at NJU (only woman undergrad recipient, Top 0.35‰), 10/16
CSST Award for Outstanding Research and Presentation (10 out of 98), 09/16
UCLA-CSST Scholarship (only recipient in geography across China), 07/16
Finalist Winner: Mathematical Contest in Modeling, 03/16
Duxia scholarship at NJU (Top 1‰ in University), 07/15
National scholarship at NJU (Top 1% in University), 09/14
Courses & Presentations
Talks/poster presentations
Ban, Z. Asymmetry of Western U.S. river basin sensitivity to seasonally varying climate warming, Hydro90, May 2021 (invited talk).
Ban, Z. Understanding the asymmetry of annual streamflow responses to seasonal warming in the Western U.S. CESM Workshop, June 2021 (talk).
Ban, Z., Bhattachan, A., Vimal, S., Remais, J., Lettenmaier, D. P., and Irish, A. Predicting mosquito population with high-resolution inundation in California: implications for West Nile Virus. AGU Fall Meeting, December 2021 (poster).
Fayne, J., Huang, H., Fischella, M., Liu, Y., Ban, Z., Li, D., Cavanaugh, K., and Lettenmaier, D. P., Changes in mechanisms and intensity of Western US floods, 1960-2013. EGU General Assembly Conference, April 2021 (poster).
Ban, Z., Cayan, D., and Lettenmaier, D. P., Sensitivity of Western US river basins to seasonally varying climate warming. AGU Fall Meeting, December 2020 (talk).
Xin, C., Fang, Y., Li, D., Ma, X., Ban, Z., Sun, H., Turnbull, S. J., and Lettenmaier, D. P. Quantifying the impact of declining snow on river discharge in a warming climate. AGU Fall Meeting, December 2020 (talk).
Ban, Z., Das, T., Cayan, D., Xiao, M., Lettenmaier, D. P., Understanding the Role of Asymmetrical Warming on Streamflow Changes in the Western US Using a Multi-model Approach. AGU Fall Meeting, December 2019 (poster).
Fischella, M., Huang, H., Liu, Y., Ban, Z., Fayne, J. V., Li, D., Lettenmaier, D. P., Dynamics and Changes in Western US floods. AGU Fall Meeting, December 2019 (poster).
Ban, Z., Vimal, S., Bhattachan, A., Cucchi, K., Hoover, C., Skaff, N., Remais, J. and Lettenmaier, D. P., Assessing inundation in the Central Valley, CA and its implications for West Nile Virus transmission using remote sensing and hydrological modeling. AGU Fall Meeting, December 2018 (talk).
Ban, Z., Das, T., Cayan, D., Xiao, M., Lettenmaier, D. P., Understanding the Role of Asymmetrical Warming on Streamflow Changes in the Western US Using a Multi-model Approach. AGU Fall Meeting, December 2018 (poster).
Liu, Y., Fischella, M., Huang, H., Ban, Z., Fayne, J. V., Li, D., Lettenmaier, D. P., Flood-generating mechanisms and trends in the Western United States. AGU Fall Meeting, December 2018 (poster).
Ban, Z., Yang, K., Pitcher, L. H., and Smith, L. C., Interannual variability of moulins on the Southwest Greenland Ice Sheet, AGU Fall Meeting, December 2017 (poster).